High End Norrathian


Miss the show? Here’s the Podcast!
[pro-player width=’100%’ height=’30’ type=’sound’]http://podcast.onlinegamingradio.com/jethal_20120612.mp3[/pro-player]

And here’s just the newly released song “High End Norrathian”
[pro-player width=’100%’ height=’30’ type=’sound’]http://kithicor.org/media/songs/highendnorrathian.mp3[/pro-player]

Join us this week as Jethal and Elquinjena chat it up and this week’s events and happenings – we introduce our new game “The Tonga-pult” – Jethal releases a NEW SONG!

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Tuesdays at 10pm Eastern, 7pm Pacific
As Always, Join us IN GAME by typing /join antonia_bayle.ogr

Author: Jethal