
Halas Reborn Video

Sony just released a new video, previewing the New Halas area!  Looks good, I cant wait to get in there and see what there is to be seen for myself.

The long-anticipated release of New Halas is scheduled for May 2010 with our Halas Reborn update! Over the coming weeks, we’ll release information about the various features that will be included in Halas Reborn. Here’s a brief preview of some of the features you can expect to see in May!

[stream provider=video flv=x:/kithicor.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/halasreborn.mp4 img=x:/kithicor.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/halas_reborn5_th.jpg embed=false share=true width=600 height=400 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false opfix=true /]

Author: Jethal