What’s been going on?


Well, it’s been awhile since I’ve posted an update here. So here it goes!

What’s been going on? A lot, to be honest. I returned to EQ2 a few years ago, and things have been quite a roller coaster ride.. highs and lows.

  • Jethal has returned to the stage at the Maiden’s Fancy, and occasionally on street corners, entertaining the public.
  • I’ve found that most of the friends I used to play with are gone, or playing other characters now.. and yes, I’ve met some interesting people.
  • I’ve started doing my 3d portraits again, which seem to be pretty popular.
  • IRL I have been working my butt off, as with so many people, it’s taken a toll on my play time. And recently, a change in my schedule has made it a little difficult to play later at night, which is hard on my role playing.
  • I found the inspiration for a couple new songs, but my muse seems to be on vacation, these last few years

In all seriousness, I have fallen into a depression.. no, don’t worry, i’m not gonna off myself – but it does drag thing along the ground at times.. it comes and goes like the tide.

EverQuest 2 is not what it once was. The community is small and, honestly, secluded. There are trolls in our midst, and I don’t mean from Grobb. There are a few people out there who seem hell bent on destroying the community.. My self and some friends have fallen victim to harassment and bullying that Daybreak Games doesn’t seem to be able to do anything about. So, that adds to the difficulty of really getting into things, and as certainly contributed to the isolation and “clique” nature that has fallen over us.. trust of the general public is at a low, because you just don’t know who is just out to fuck with you. Such is life.

I hope for the best, yet prepare for the worst.

Keep eyes on Jethal.com! There is more to come!

Author: Jethal