
New Song: Frostfell in Freeport

Frostfell in Freeport (MP3 Download)
– Filk sung to “Christmas at Ground Zero” by Weird Al

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It’s Frostfell time in Freeport
There’s magic in the snow
The kids are playin, while mom and dad are stayin
Warm by a fire’s glow

It’s Frostfell time in Freeport
The Overlord is pissed
The Grump took his present and now we’re regrettin, cause
we’re all on his naughty list

You may dream of sugar plums and fairies
Or Boxes undernieth the Tree
But if your looking for opression
There’s noplace else that I would rather flee

It’s Frostfell time in Freeport
We could use Santa and his sleigh
They’ve got our number all day they loot and plunder
While The Guards drag you away


You may a hunting and a craftin
Bringin joy with your recipie
But if you travel down to Freeport
Come on by the Jail and Rescue me!

It’s Frostfell time in Freeport
The guards are in the street
They’re hanging stockings, but it’s kinda shocking
cause they’re still attached to our feet.

It’s Frostfell time in Freeport
They’re marching to and fro
They came in a-raiding all the goodies that we’re saving
While the tree lights softly glow

It’s Frostfell time in Freeport!
Now the guards are on their way..
Just take a hint they’ll throw you in the pit..
Just turn and run away
Just turn and run a-waaaaay

Author: Jethal