

As heard, last night, on the Jethal Silverwing Show – Jethal releases a New Song!

SootFoot-Loose:  [MP3]
– Parody of “Foot Loose” by Kenny Kenny Loggings
– Suggested by Nikatell of the Antonia Bayle Server

You’re Playing.. so hard
For glory.. and Shards
A tunnel, so warm
You’re huntin.. lava-stoormmm

I gotta tell ya
I dont like something holding me back..
I gotta feeling..
They’re gonna want me for a snack..

There’s nothing left to Doo, Soot Foots
Thought I seen it all, but who knew
Oh, I know – Wonderer’s come and go
Gotta Stab, n’tha Back
Put their loot here n’my sack
They’re Soot.. Soot Foots
Every body’s killing Soot foots..

They’re working, all day
they’re doing in th’Goblin way
They’re killing your friends
They’re faction, decends

Well I should tell them
oh That someday they’ll pay
They got blades swinging
Perhaps it’s time to run awaaaay..

Then I ran back into Oh.. Soot foots
I’m sweatin under my hood
Oh, I know – Wonderer’s come and go
Gotta Stab, n’tha Back
Put their loot here n’my sack
They’re Soot.. Soot Foots
Every body’s killing Soot foots..

ONE – Lay your trap on the ground
TWO – Sent the tank rounding round
THREE – Beat with clubs, so sound

OH Soot Foots
Gonna crush’m under by boots
KEEP UP, heal me – Oh wont you hear my plea
Oh, I know – Wonderer’s come and go
They’re Soot.. Soot Foots
Every body’s killing Soot Foots
Gonna crush’m under by boots
KEEP UP, heal me – Oh wont you hear my plea
Oh, I know – Wonderer’s come and go
They’re Soot.. Soot Foots
Every body’s killing

Author: Jethal